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To all our loyal customers. We are a 3rd generation farming family company. We have always tried to support local as much as possible, but sometimes the fruits we use do not grow in our climate, or there can be a local crop shortage because of the weather. In regards to our frozen fruit we have to package in the States as there is no other ORGANIC options in BC for us to use. But under the current situation with Tariffs, etc. we are currently looking at other options.

Bremner's is your local farmer and producer of premium fruit products.

Bremner’s, a Family Tradition Since 1979. The Bremner family prides itself on producing the highest quality farm produce and premium quality products and is committed to using only the finest ingredients. The Bremner name is your guarantee of quality and freshness..

Bremner Frozen

For more information about our Frozen Products, please visit the website below:

Bremner Frozen

Bremner Juice

For more information about our Juice Products, please visit the website below:

Bremner Juice

The Bremner's Story

During Terry’s world travels, he had the pleasure of working throughout South America, where he came to know and appreciate the people and what they had to offer. In particular, Terry remembers tasting for the first time real pure fruit juice, not like other juices made with all the fillers and additives. After this tasting experience, Terry then was on a quest to find a premium quality fruit juice back home and after no success he decided to start making his own.

It was this experience in South America together with the premium quality of Bremner’s blueberries back at the family farm, that prompted Terry to start making the best blueberry juice in the world.

Terry founded Bremner Foods Ltd. in 2001, and it all began with the creation of Bremner’s 100% pure blueberry juice. Terry wanted to offer the consumer a truly pure blueberry juice that used only the finest ingredients, not from concentrate and no additives or preservatives. Well, he did just that and still today it is the best blueberry juice out there on the market. His secret is using only Premium Berries, not the Juice Grade that is typically used for making juice and of course no water, no sugar, no preservatives, just premium fruit, in fact 2.5lb for every bottle!

Success can come by simply moving forward and dedicating yourself to your goals & ambitions.

After much success with the blueberry juice, Terry then decided to make cranberry juice from the other Bremner family farm and currently today there are several juices to choose from.

All Bremner’s juices are not only extremely tasty but provide many health benefits. Most consumers drink Bremner’s as part of their regular diet for this reason. Terry firmly believes in practising what he preaches and lives a healthy lifestyle, by always eating healthy & exercising.

Terry participates in a variety of running events, around the country and in fact the world, recently participating in the Great Wall of China Marathon and others including the 2,500th Anniversary Marathon in Greece and of course many local events here in BC.

Today with Bremner’s excellent reputation and the world learning of the many health benefits of blueberries, the Asian market is actively seeking and demanding Bremner’s.